The Utility Industry is Transforming

The utility industry is going through significant transformation due to multiple external factors. There is a renewed focus on system reliability and resiliency of the power distribution infrastructure. All over the world renewable generation is being deployed at a much faster rate than traditional generation at both centralized and distributed levels. Significant part of the distributed energy resources (DER) are being deployed at medium and low voltage levels. These changes are happening on an infrastructure that is old and was built to handle a different generation and loading paradigm. This is disrupting the traditional distribution business and compelling utilities to adopt new ways of thinking.

For this transformation utilities are changing their operational and planning processes. Utilities are also investigating new market and rate structures. They are adopting new smart grid technologies such as smart meters, AMI infrastructure, line sensors and distribution automation.  The smart grid infrastructure is also expanding to accommodate multiple commodities, smart cities and smart communities.  The industry is looking at new ways of leveraging the data from smart sensors and devices.  This transformation is supported by a large ecosystem of utilities’ internal transformational teams, vendors, researchers, consulting and services companies. The ecosystem requires expertise from teams that can combine multiple innovative approaches to make this transformation successful.

Symbiant Analytics was established with the goal of supporting the industry in this transformation, using our expertise in distribution simulation, analytics and software fields.

Analytics Roadmap to Implementation

Utility Industry Consulting

IIoT Software Development